The poet gave him the poem, and the report of this incident spread out till it reached Bahauddin the Vazeer of King Tahir. It is though writing lines that were written.Īfter establishing an Islamic state in Madinah Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam was given permission to make Jihad against the kuffar. The protection of Allah made him dispensed with double. I must here admit my conscious incapacity for so high and undertaking, to which due justice bhrdah be done only by higher abilities. And you surpassed every position which none other passed. Whoever recites it 17 times on a Thursday evening for 7 weeks will become pious and wealthy. The poem has been translated repeatedly into European languages since two centuries: O my Lord Translatlon Burdah (البردة) (English translation) Until you left no gaol for any competitor to strive for. It is said that Sa’duddin Fariqee, the seal-keeper of the minister, afterwards suffered severely from a serious opthalmia which threatened him with a total loss of sight. Like undotted letters, Out of kindness, then say O the slipping of my foot. The poet, according to his own account, happened to be affected seriously with paralysis which deprived one-half of his body of its vital powers and motions. Trxnslation order clouds of blessings salutations from you perpetually. When he awoke he found a scarf or shawl on his body which he had seen Sayyidina Rasuluallah Sallallhu Alayhi Wasallam place on his paralysed limbs.

Using this as his sole means of asking Allah Ta’alaa to cure him from his illness. I pray to Allah Almighty to forgive all of our sins, especially of those who recite, spread the message of recitation of Durood, teach the Durood, listen to the Durood, tfanslation to it and publicize the Durood and give all of us love for Nabi Akram Ahis Family, his Companions y and give who follow them, the real peace and calm and the success in both this life and Hereafter for the sake of His beloved Prophet Muhammad A.īurdab Whoever recites it times in his lifetime, will live up to the age of one hundred years.

So the extreme depth of our knowledge concerning him, is that he is a man. He openly declares his love and shows the great qualities and prefect character of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Imam Al-Busiri’s Qasida Al-Burda (Full English Translation) | ForumsĪnd the thirsty water bearer returned in anger with disappointment.
Qasidah burdah lyrics full#
With this end in view an English translation, simple and faithful to the original is given, with footnotes explaining in full all allusions to historical facts and events in the life of the holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, and all references to the Quran and the Traditions. If a person has important work, he should recite it 26 times on the night of Jumah Thursday evening and give 26 things in charity. How noble are the physical qualities of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, adorned with good character. If they keep fighting your call, now fight them back physically Though tenderness and compassion are your nature We know, The time has come you must stop their stopping people from Me. Nor burdab you be satiated by its constant repetition recitation. 22 آذار (مارس) On the Martial Struggle of the Prophet (SAW) (English Translation courtesy of – The Burdah (The Singable Translation) by Mostafa Azzam) رَاعَتْ. 21 تموز (يوليو) English translation of lyrics for Burdah by Mesut Kurtis. Imam Al-Busiri’s Qasida Al-Burda (Full English Translation) This resulted in the poem being named “Qasidah Burdah” (The Poem of the.